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In order to improve the fight against malnutrition, Burkina Faso has embarked on a process of strengthening coordination by adopting a multisectoral approach. To this end, in 2007 the National Nutrition Coordination Council (CNCN) was created, which is a framework for consultation and decision-making support in matters of nutrition.

To carry out this multisectoral coordination, it is necessary to have information from all sectors involved in nutrition. Also, national and international political and financial commitments have fostered a strong demand for reliable, relevant and timely information to inform decision-making and the development of nutrition-specific or sensitive policies and interventions.

This demand for information requires the establishment of a system capable of identifying, compiling and analyzing data from various sources in all sectors.

It is within this framework that an initiative called, National Nutrition Information Platform (PNIN) was developed. Supported by the Commission of the European Union, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Bill and Melinda Foundation

Gates (BMGF), the initiative aims to strengthen Burkina Faso's national capacities in information and data management and analysis in all nutrition-sensitive and specific sectors. It also aims to strengthen the capacities of actors in the dissemination and use of the information produced in order to better support the strategic decisions faced by countries to prevent malnutrition and its consequences.


The main objective of the PNIN is to help Burkina Faso to strengthen its nutritional information system and improve its capacity to analyze existing data on nutrition. This would, on the one hand, better inform public policies and all stakeholders about the problems they face and, on the other hand, facilitate planning and strategic decision-making based on scientific evidence.

Specifically it is about :

  • OS 1 : Create within the National Institute of Statistics and Demography a unit in charge of managing, analyzing and disseminating information relating to nutrition.
  • OS 2 : Build the capacities, among stakeholders in Burkina Faso, to formulate questions / requests in terms of analysis, to analyze the data in order to answer them and to measure the progress made towards the achievement of national objectives reduction in the prevalence of undernutrition.
  • OS3 : Promote, among stakeholders, the understanding and use of the analysis generated from the platform information for decision making.

Main activities and expected results

The main activities or planned actions are:

  • the grouping in a warehouse of all the basic data from the collection and survey systems;
  • establishing a program and carrying out studies aimed at better understanding the mechanisms of malnutrition;
  • capacity building of stakeholders;
  • the promotion and use of nutrition information as part of a multisectoral approach.

The main results are as follows :

  • the necessary updated data is stored in a data warehouse and is accessible to the target audience through institutional sites (INSD, CNS);
  • statistical analyzes are carried out, the quality of the results is assured, and the staff trained to ensure the sustainability of the actions;
  • sectoral collection and / or survey methodologies are adapted to take into account gaps or quality defects;
  • the coordination of nutritional information and the programming of analyzes are ensured and carried out in a structured and sustainable manner.

Means and actors of implementation

In Burkina Faso, the PNIN is set up with the support of the Delegation of the European Union through a grant contract and the provision of technical assistants (TA). For a period of five (05) years, the overall cost of setting up the PNIN in Burkina Faso is estimated at 1,092,729,000 FCFA.

The technical execution of the project is ensured by the INSD, which is responsible for creating and implementing the statistical tool at the heart of the platform analysis. The strategic steering of the platform is provided by the National Nutrition Consultative Council (CNCN) through the Technical Secretariat responsible for improving food and nutrition for mothers and children (STAN).

The initiative is guided and supervised by the Multidisciplinary Orientation and Prospecting Group (GPOP), set up with the support of this action. The GPOP is responsible for making the link between the platform and decision-making, in particular at the level of the Nutritional Security Policy steering body, in particular the CNCN.

Final beneficiaries and target groups

Groupes cibles :

  • National Institute of Statistics and Demography;
  • National Nutrition Consultative Council;
  • Department of Nutrition of the Ministry of Health;
  • Department of Studies and Statistics of the Ministries in charge of: health, agriculture, livestock, water and sanitation, education, social action, environment, trade and research.

Bénéficiaires finaux :

  • Government;
  • Parliament;
  • Technical and financial partners; Civil society and citizens.

PNIN operational cycle

The implementation of the PNIN is built on the operational cycle which breaks down into three stages:

  • Formulation of questions according to the priorities of Burkina Faso;
  • Data analysis in order to answer the questions asked;     Communication of results to government.


Presentation of the project team

  • General coordinator

Boureima OUEDRAOGO, Director General of INSD

Tel :(+226) 70354616

Email : 

  • Technical coordinator

Pascal NAKELSE, Director of IT and statistical information management at INSD Tél :(+226) 71891058

Email :

  • PNIN manager at the National Nutrition Coordination Council

Dr R. Ella COMPAORE, Technical Secretary for Improving Food and Nutrition for Mothers and Children / Ministry of Health

Tél (+226) 70247313

Email :